divendres, 8 de març del 2013

Comencen les funcions de You and Me

Little Soldier present

You and Me

A bitter-sweet physical comedy for everyone who is a day older than yesterday!
Two elderly Spanish sisters in a foreign land live against the backdrop of a battered rug and a mountain of mysterious boxes. They share the intimacy of a life lived together – careering between genuine affection and irritated annoyance. The pair shifts between hilarious defamation, tender reminiscing and pure madness. But amidst an ever-changing reality, is this behaviour just eccentricity or something more destructive?
‘You and Me’ is a touching story with sparkling dialogue and witty observations, that explores old age with humour, imagination and tenderness.
Part of the Theatre Rush & Friends Residency. Single show £10/7, two shows £15/10.

Tickets are available for the following performances:

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